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Women with hoarding disorder standing in house
Worker de-hoarding house

Dealing with hoarding disorder is indeed complex and challenging, affecting millions of iindividuals across the United States. At Moving Hands Coalition, we understand the gravity of this situation, which is why we’ve dedicated ourselves to providing compassionate and expert assistance to those in need. With years of experience working alongside local authorities and government agencies, our trained professionals are well-equipped to support individuals and their families through every step of the de-hoarding process.


We approach each situation with empathy and respect, recognizing the importance of helping clients make informed and healthy decisions about their belongings. Our goal-oriented approach involves collaborating with clients to create a comprehensive plan to reduce clutter, de-hoard, deep clean the space and execute the plan effectively with respect, so the individual can maintain progress after we are long gone. We understand that hoarding disorder can pose serious risks to an individual’s safety and well-being, which is why our priority is to create a safe and comfortable environment for our clients to thrive in their own homes once again. If you or your loved one is struggling with hoarding disorder, please don’t hesitate to reach out to Moving Hands Coalition for the support and guidance you need.

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